Should you “just do it”?

Today I want to talk about a topic that has been on my mind for some time now and that is movement.  While we could take this on a deep and more spiritually level, I am just referring to moving your body through exercise. 

My life has changed in the last few years in such a way that daily exercise does not always get accomplished.  And I used to be that girl…the one who would lace up her running shoes and hit the track or pavement ANY time of day.  It didn’t matter if it was first thing I did in the morning or last thing I did at night or somewhere in between…I ran!!  I always joked that is was my therapy, in a way it was.  I used the time to clear my head or think about a specific thing or situation, just as much as I used it to challenge my body. 

Fast forward through a handful of life changes including a divorce, owning and maintaining my own home, nourishing a new relationship, taking the NTC coarse, growing a business and a move in which, I now have a 2-hour daily commute and there is less time to always move my body. 

Now just because I am not as active as I once was does not mean that I do not believe that movement is a very, very important aspect to overall health.  I do believe that movement needs to be present in the overall aspect of health.  But I have come to understand that it doesn’t have to be something you must do on a set schedule, it can be fluid, it can be adjusted to meet your life and it is completely acceptable to take time off.  Maybe that time off is a couple days or a week or 3 years. 

Just because you are not on a regular and rigid workout schedule does not mean you are unhealthy!! 

In fact, there are times when your body needs rest.  Going through a major life change or crisis, such as a birth or death of a loved one, could require extra rest or less exercise.  It could be that a brisk walk is all you need to clear your mind and feel energized during those stressful time, while still maintaining your physical endurance.  Or maybe you just need to need to forgo moving your body altogether and lay on the couch and binge watch Vikings!! 

In today’s modern world, even everyday life can create enough stress that you need to pull back on the time you spend in the gym.  Demanding jobs, running kiddos to their activities while dealing with traffic, the constant stimulation of always being “connected”, and keeping up with household chores can quickly put you in a stressed state.  Today, we think that it is normal to always be going but we are not wired to live this way.  Our ancestors didn’t.  So we must factor in all of the happenings of daily life.    

The point here is that you need to listen to your body and adjust your movement to suit what it is asking for during every season of your life.  The innate wisdom inside of you knows what is best for you, take time to sit with yourself and listen for that wisdom.        

If exercise is your way to manage stress, as it is for many, I am not telling you to give it up completely!  I am merely suggesting that you take the time to listen and pay attention to how your body is reacting to exercise.  If you are constantly getting injured, overly tired after a workout, or it is taking you longer to recover, then your body is asking for you to slow down.  Modify your workouts, take an extra rest day, or simply walk.  Try this for a couple weeks and if you still are not seeing improvements, consider taking a longer stretch of time off from all strenuous exercise.  If you still want to move in some way, a leisurely walk should be just fine…unless you have a major injury!

My movement currently is mostly walking.  I try to get in 15-20 minutes on weekdays and 30 or more minutes on Saturday and Sunday.  I may throw in a few body weight movements during the day….I rarely remember to do this.  While it is not as hardcore as I once was, it still makes me feel good.  And feeling good is what I am shooting for!  And honestly, if the weekend rolls around and I don’t feel like a walk and I just want to chill, that’s what I do.  And I don’t stress about the fact that I skipped my walk…I know that I will get movement in once I my body is ready for.  

I know this is Food Fact Friday post is not about food, BUT it is about health…so I figured it would count!  LOL. 

I would love to hear what movements you are or aren’t participating in right now?  Are you in an active or rest season of life?  Let me know below in the comments. 

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